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DLGRGenerateTIN generates a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) DTM (Digital Terrain Model) surface leveraging Rhino's built in meshing functionality with a workflow optimised to generating accurate grading mesh surfaces for landscape design. The workflow based on the input curves on control layers. Refer below for control layers and their purpose.

The following command options are accessed through the hyphenated -DLGRGenerateTIN form:


Specifies the generation mode.

SinglePassPerforms a single pass mesh generation pass ignoring seams and other secondary mesh modifications.
MultiPassMultiPass forst generates a TIN using the usual grading curves (Boundary, control, batters etc) then it executes a second pass to further refine the mesh with Seams. Use this mode before using DLGRPaintTIN.

Control Layers


Design Layer Description


Beware that this command replaces geometry on some layers marked as "Generated" (see below). This is by design so it is important that you do not place geometry that is not generated on these layers.

LayerDefault PathDescriptionGenerated
CutDOCOGrade::Analysis::CutContains mesh cut volume output from DLGRCalculateCutFillNo
FillDOCOGrade::Analysis::FillContains mesh fill volume output from DLGRCalculateCutFillNo
Batter ToeDOCOGrade::Design::Batter ToeIdentical functionality to a Control curve but will contribute to the generated 2d output as a batter line.No
Batter TopDOCOGrade::Design::Batter TopIdentical functionality to a Control curve but will contribute to the generated 2d output as a batter line.No
BoundaryDOCOGrade::Design::BoundaryA boundary curve is required to generate a grading surface. It must be a closed curve that does not intersect on the X/Y plane.No
ControlDOCOGrade::Design::ControlA control curve is used to control triangle generation within the boundary curve.No
SeamDOCOGrade::Design::SeamSeams allow secondary splitting of the genrated mesh and are useful for splitting meshes at material boundaries. Seams are only applied when using the ~Multipass options is executed.No
PaintDOCOGrade::Design::PaintA convenient parent layer under which to place material hatch sublayers used by the DLGRPaintTIN command.No
TrimDOCOGrade::Design::TrimTrim boundaries for generated 2d contours. Not currently implmented.No
HoleDOCOGrade::Design::HoleA hole curve must be closed and must not intersect itself or any other boundary curve in the X/Y plane. Hole curves should fit within the boundary curve. No triangles will be generated within the hole curve.No
Inner SurfaceDOCOGrade::Design::Inner SurfaceNURBS surfaces that are to be incorporated into the final grading surface.No
Label GuideDOCOGrade::Design::Label GuideCurves on this layer control contour label generation. Guide curves are projected to the world xy plane. Where they intersect the generated 2d contours, a grade label is generated.No
MassDOCOGrade::Design::MassUse this layer as a generic layer for objects that do not participate directly in the surface generation i.e. walls, furniture, architecture etc.No
Annotation (2d)DOCOGrade::Generated2d::AnnotationDOCOgrade annotations are automatically added to this layer.YES
Batter Toe (2d)DOCOGrade::Generated2d::Batter ToeGenerated 2d output from DOCOGrade::Design::Batter Toe.YES
Batter Top (2d)DOCOGrade::Generated2d::Batter TopGenerated 2d output from DOCOGrade::Design::Batter Top.YES
Contour Major (2d)DOCOGrade::Generated2d::Contour Major 2dMajor contours are calculated dynamically and projected flat to this layer. Additional smoothing steps are set in document settings.YES
Contour Major Label (2d)DOCOGrade::Generated2d::Contour Major 2d LabelMajor contour labels are calculated dynamically and projected flat to this layer. Control the location of contour labels using curves on layer Label Guide.YES
Contour Minor (2d)DOCOGrade::Generated2d::Contour Minor 2dMinor contours are calculated dynamically and projected flat to this layer. Additional smoothing steps are set in document settings.YES
Contour Minor LabelDOCOGrade::Generated2d::Contour Minor 2d LabelMinor contour labels are calculated dynamically and projected flat to this layer. Control the location of contour labels using curves on layer Label Guide.YES
Contour MinorDOCOGrade::Generated3d::Contour MinorMinor contours are calculated dynamically. Intervals are set in document settings.YES
Contour MajorDOCOGrade::Generated3d::Contour MajorMajor contours are calculated dynamically. Intervals are set in document settings.YES
TIN (Generated)DOCOGrade::Generated3d::TINGenerated TIN meshes get created on this layer. Note that objects on this layer will be deleted and recreated whenever DLGRGenerateSurface is executed.YES
TIN (Survey)DOCOGrade::Survey::TINThis will typically be the survey TIN surface in it's original form (usually supplied as part of a site survey).No
TIN Off (Survey)DOCOGrade::Survey::TIN OffThis layer will typically contain triangles extracted from the TIN (Survey) to denote the area that is to be redesigned. An effective aproach is to generate your Boundary curve by duplicating the boundary of this mesh.No

DOCOgrade Layer names can be modified in the current document or plugin wide in the respective Document Properties Panel amd Plugin Setting pane.