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Layout Editor Dialog

The layout metadata manager window is activated when one or more layouts are double clicked in the main panel.

Changes applied to this dialog will be dynamically applied to layout pages.

Layout Editor Dialog

Identity + Appearance
1Layout NumberIdentifies the Layout and is the same as the Layout name in the standard Rhino UI. Should be unique.
2Layout CategoryIf specified in the template the layout category will be determined by the code.
3Layout TitleThis is the name of the drawing and should concisely infer the intent of the drawing.
4Layout TagThis field allows you to group layouts together by tag which is useful for generating Key Plans.
5Titleblock TemplateSpecify which title block will be applied to the selected layout(s). Note that the layout size will also be modified.
Drawing Control
6Revision OverrideThis will override and revision code inferred by the drawing register.
7StampApply a stamp defined in the template file or select "No Stamp".
8PrintThis indicates whether the layout should be included in the drawing pack & contribute to the drawing tally.
9North AngleSpecify the rotation of the north angle displayed on the sheet.
10Show NorthWhen checked the north arrow is included on the layout (determined by the template).
Revision Management
11RevisionLeave this as (auto) unless you want to specify your own revision code to apply.
12DateDate defaults to the current date but you can override it.
13DrawnInitials of the person who last edited the drawing. (optional).
14CheckedInitials of the person who last checked the drawing. (optional).
15ApprovedInitials of the person who last approved the drawing. (optional).
16CommentThe purpose of this drawing issue. Select from the list defined in the template or use free text. (required).
17Add Revision RowClick to add a revision row. Codes are automatically incremented.
18Revision Row(s)Revision history for this drawing. Edit cells directly or click delete if you wish to remove the reviion row.
Project Details
19Project IdentifierAn alphanumeric code that identified the project. ** Used in pdf file naming.
20Project NameThe official name of the project.
21ClientThe name of the client.
22Package TagA Tag to differentiate this package from another in the same project. (optional).
23Package Stage CodeA shot code to describe the documentation stage. E.g. "TP" for Town Planning. ** Used in pdf file naming.
24Package TypeA longer description of the documentation stage. E.g. "Concept Design"
25AddressThe project address.